Artificial Intelligence (AI) – 6 Things To Know For Now

This is coming
What Is Artificial Intelligence?
Here is the first thing to know about Artificial Intelligence. Artificial Intelligence (AI) is a branch of computer science that aims to create hardware and software capable of thinking intelligently. Artificial Intelligence begins with thorough examination and documentation of how our brains think, how we learn and how we make decisions. We speak with Artificial Intelligence Chatbot The results of these various studies permit the application of lessons learned to make intelligent machines and software. Making a computer program or robot with intelligence similar human level is intriguing and has nations and corporations racing to be the leader.
Artificial Intelligence in Everyday life
Artificial Intelligence does not mean machines that can think more intelligently than humans. We have numerous examples of AI as part of our daily lives now. Examples of useful AI include: Siri, Google now, Alexa, purchase predictors, videos games, fraud detection, Deep Blue, Watson, etc. We may not consider those to be intelligent but they are nonetheless working quietly in the background everyday making decisions. AI integrates with our daily lives as we drive down the road looking for a place to eat. Much like the Internet, AI is still in the early developmental phase. Artificial Intelligence is equivalent is in its evolutionary stage and equivalent to the Internet in its infancy.
Artificial Intelligence A Brief History
A discussion of Artificial Intelligence might conjure discussions of dystopian novels and films because the future is unknown. The pace of Artificial Intelligence development might supersede human capability to keep up and maintain control. This is how it was introduced to society in the early 1920’s.
Artificial Intelligence began 96 years ago with a play that opened in London called Rossum’s Universal Robots. In fact it was the first recorded use of the word Robot. If today people look on AI with disdain take heart that this very first introduction of AI to the world was not a good one. It is as if AI was doomed from the beginning to have anything but a dark image.
Why the dark image of Artificial Intelligence?
The reason for the dark image in this play much like some of today’s Artificial Intelligence Chatbot which presumably takes place in the mid to late 1950’s is that all humans except for one become extinct as a result of a robot rebellion. But AI is much more than a tale and even one with such dark foreboding was more of a catalyst to drive AI forward. The “Robots” in RUR are biological but moved like machines. Their expressions also gave a less than human appeal. The biological connection got lost rather quickly.
The leap from imagination to scientific paper was completed in 1943 when Drs. Warren Sturgis McCulloch, Walter Pitts and Joannes Gregorius Dusser de Barenne converged their work into demonstration of a Turing machine program. The program was designed to be implemented in a defined network of neurons. This would demonstrate that the neuron was the base logic unit of the brain. Crucial to learning how the brain operates.
Seven years later Alan Turing presented the Turing Test as a means for measuring the thinking capability of a machine. Today he is considered the father of Artificial Intelligence.
Many theories exist on what will be the downside and more can be probed with this very enlightening and middle of the road interview. * Stuart Russel is interviewed by Sam Harris Stuart Russel is also the author of the leading textbook on Artificial Intelligence. Artificial intelligence: A Modern Approach More on Sam Harris
Why Is Artificial Intelligence Coming?
The most important thing to know about Artificial Intelligence and Autonomous Intelligent Machines is why it is here at all. In the shortest of explanations, Economics. It is a revolutionary means of applying knowledge and energy exactly where and when needed. Artificial Intelligence creates expert systems that can teach humans and help us understand how to make better decisions. Or is it capable of amassing the knowledge of a collective human population? Can AI Make sense of the deep knowledge it accesses? Can it determine a course of action faster than any human or group of humans are capable of today?
To do so AI must have access to the all data which in turn implies the ubiquity of AI everywhere and in everything. We have heard of the Internet of things to aid our lives such as a refrigerator that knows when the milk is almost empty and orders a new gallon online for delivery by a drone. AI is making sense of the data and making a decision without human intervention.
Artificial Intelligence drives communications between ocean buoys and tsunami warning centers. When time is critical the speed of AI course determination is invaluable. Unlike the frequency of such events once here there is is no going back for AI. Ubiquity is how AI succeeds. This is the information age and making sense of it all is what it used to be about. Once AI gets hold will there really be more to know? What will be the use of humans.
Why Should I Get Involved With Artificial Intelligence?
Artificial Intelligence is not confined to computer science. Intelligent system design and implementation The creation of intelligent systems involves all of the sciences including psychology, sociology, math, biology, philosophy, etc. Artificial Intelligence research and development is on the cusp of expanding each of these fields and more. There is great need to understand the implications of programs that can modify themselves and their algorithms to produce desirable results. Artificial Intelligence markets many of the the things we use it today. That is a good marketing practice. I think if you call things what they really are it is too straight. It will take all of human knowledge to fill the consumption need of AI.
Artificial intelligence and industry today
Industries big and small that are keeping up with the latest technology have some form of Artificial Intelligence involved in their practices. Accounting, logisitics, safety functions, and farming to name a few are areas set for success with the wave of new technologies. These will further accumulate and make sense of large amounts of data. Watch this site for the data explained and make your studies where you think the research succeed.
Learn more about Artificial Intelligence
How to know more about Artificial Intelligence involves time. My plan is to learn and apply new knowledge to this website. I have several future posts already forming but the learning curve is steep! Come back for more info on the gorwth and current use of Artifical Intelligence. I will include news, videos and the latest research. I aim to be a conduit for business between potential partners in Japan and America. What are you doing to get involved with Artificial Intelligence?
* Stuart Russell is a Professor of Computer Science and Smith-Zadeh Professor in Engineering, University of California, Berkeley and Adjunct Professor of Neurological Surgery, University of California, San Francisco.
Sam Harris received a degree in philosophy from Stanford University and a Ph.D. in neuroscience from UCLA.
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