5 Career Hacking Secrets

Career Hacking secrets for college students

Enroll now for tony teolis

I created 5 Career Hacking Secrets

because I know what it is like to be confronted with a variety of challenges and no plan of what to do. I have over 30 years of experience in making good things happen with my career. I want to help you make good things happen with your career even if you are unsure of what it may be. My skill for making futures real is no secret but how I have used a variety of technology and techniques has not been revealed until now. 5 Career Hacking Secrets will add confidence to the decisions you must make. Smart use of technology that allows for preferred future identification, planning and setting a course will eliminate apprehension about the future and who you will become.

However, you are someone who wants more than the status quo. More control of your life. A Return On Investment for the things you spent your time to earn. Especially your college degree! You know the times ahead call for Excellence and you want to be prepared to answer.

I Promise the Tony Teolis method of achievement will give you time-tested techniques and tools combined with today’s technology to create life-altering career opportunities..

It’s worked for me and others and it will work for you! I guarantee it.

Things I did right

First of all, until I developed 5 Career Hacking Secrets For College Students Without A Plan I experienced life more as a participant than a leader. They say that some leaders are born well I am one of those that is made. Or at least I had the right mixture of circumstances and commitment. And love.I have a love for much about life. Family, fishing, gardening, work, fitness, etc. Lots of things and people I found to love. The United States Army showed me so much about the world and how I could fit into it. I listened and imagined and became.

Likewise, before I knew what 5 Career Hacking Secrets For College Students Without A Plan were I had to present myself as a blank slate and that is what I was at 19 years of age. Seems like a good enough one to start with. But a blank slate with a desire not to end as a blank slate. I had seen enough headstones in my time that the biggest thing about any of us is that there are two dates anyone cares about. When we were born so they can celebrate our birthday and when we die because no one gets out alive. The headstones never say much about what happened in between. It doesn’t need to matter because we all keep going anyway. But think about what should be on the slate. The ways in which you helped make the world a better place than what you found it would be a good start.

1. Get Some Inspiration

It was probably the Time magazine Machine of the Year that introduced me to what would become my main tool no matter what I did in life. That was 1980 and it was the computer that was the Machine of the Year. I was lucky my father got Time on a weekly basis. Sure I dazed through all the favorite shows on tv but Time and other media had the right influences on me at the right time. My father is 91 now and asks how we get all these things done on phones and it isn’t until I show him the 1980 Time cover with the computer that will he agree that technology and this tool were long foreseen. I didn’t know how but I did know that there was no way to work without computers.

From high school to college to the Army back to college to the Parkway Cabana Club to trucking companies to jobs in Japan, every job and job search required a computer and communications. It is clear to me that smartest thing I did was get to learn computers in 1983 and never stop. It was Time that did it. An unexpected media that I usually went to learn what was going on in the world. I found my future.

2. Be Positive About The Future

My career as an American salesperson in Japan began in my head at Fort Riley Kansas just a few months before I was going to be honorably discharged.I read the paper regularly. Sometimes just for the comics. But in the spring of 1992 Uncle Sam was sparring with Japan over trade issues on a variety of products. I remember reading about the semiconductor and auto glass trade fights. I thought that since the army gave me the chance to learn Turkish I could Learn Japanese and sell American made stuff there. It was not long after that I told my brother in law the plan that it became real. So stay informed. The theme I follow is to be aware of what is going on and figure out a way to help and have fun. Anyone paying attention today will know that Artificial Intelligence is going to be a part of the future.

3. Learn New Things

Whatever opinion I thought I had of the world and how I fit into was limited by my environment and interest. There was not any encouragement or suggestion from anyone ever about what I should do with my life. The closest advice if you want to call it that was when I turned 19 and my Uncle Tony told I had “the world by its balls!” It felt good to hear that but being more interested in how I was going to spend my evening I never thought it ever possible to have the world in my grasp. Also if I did have the world in my hands what would I do? Nineteen and I was fast on my way to having to rely on my hands and ability to provide labor for survival. Fortunately, my interest in science kept me in college until the money ran out. I did not accomplish much in college but the time there put me in a good position for the United States Army.

As a result of the three years I spent serving the USA I was granted a glimpse into what my future could hold. When things were down and bleak the army opened up a path of self-reliance through hard work and discipline. Training and education were a big part of my army successes. Not the least of which was the ability to learn new languages and be open about visiting places around the world when I was discharged. Within three years of the army honorable discharge, I was graduating from PITT and n my way to Japan to teach English. None of this would be possible if I had stayed on a narrow-minded path.

4. Share With Others

They say the best things are free and when it comes to giving back they are certainly right. The biggest rewards I have received are those that have no cost associated with them other than to serve as a reminder of the importance of selflessness. I used to think that I always had to run to get somewhere to catch up with others. Especially once I learned to master the 5 Career Hacking Secrets For College Students Without A Plan.

I thought I was going to be late getting to Japan in 1995. The same concerns appeared while trying to return to the US in 2003. Now I have a greater ability now in life to influence and control my future and I also know I don’t have a lot of time. The thing I want to share now is “Slow Down”. There are going to be people following some path similar to yours and they are some years or months behind you. What you have been learning and what you know now compared to just a few years ago about anything is still vastly much more than lots of other people.

There is more to gain as a community that there is as individuals. Sharing knowledge, documenting experiences and leaving your legacy for all to see has a great purpose for projecting ourselves forward. For example at https:// ToDoListHome.com I document and provide lessons for growing your own food. I also provide information on preparedness, how to save money and fixing things around the home. I am an experienced home gardener and beekeeper. My backyard is a Food Forest that provides food, fauna, and habitat for humans and pollinators. I created ToDoListHome.com and related social media outlets to document the development of that project which began in 2011.

Things I did wrong

I won’t go into too much detail here but there have been a lot of mistakes I have made along the way. The first is not thinking about what a position might look like on a resume. I also spent a lot of time random job fishing. It resembled river fishing only in that I lost a lot of worms. Another problem I had was that I was willing to take a bad job just to keep going.

At times I spent money on job search related materials that never produced a result. Moreover, was more interested in the presentation especially in Japan than I was the actual hard work of research and goal alignment.

After doing this for 30 years I figured out 5 Career Hacking Secrets 

They revealed themselves over time and as I learned them they all seemed to have the same themes.

  • Hidden talents are important to find
  • Create opportunities that will catapult value
  • Technology offers incredible tools most people never heard of
  • Don’t spend more than you earn, don’t overprice yourself, and stay productive

However, I discovered the hard way that there can be too many distractions to keep you from establishing and achieving goals and now I want to share the easy way to develop a course and stay on it. The hard way is a path that takes more time to achieve goals. I have been blessed with knowing what to do and when for the big moments in life. If a song doesn’t shake your beans then skip to the next one that does. I can show you how.

What would life be like if you no longer had to work jobs you hate? Picture yourself in the future with a job you love. Are you smiling? My career spans three continents. Let’s make your next big step happen with career hacking secrets.

The 5 Career Hacking Secrets for college students without a plan

The 5 Career Hacking Secrets For College Students without a plan consists of the 5 Secrets each presented in a 5 module course with 6 lessons for each course. Here they are!

Career Hacking secrets for college students

5 Career Hacking Secrets for college students

Secret I. Be positive and make good things happen
Module 1. Positive thinking transcends space and time
Module 2. How to be grateful
Module 3. Make Good Things Happen with 3 Steps – Curiosity – Research – Action
Module 4. The Power of Prayer
Module 5. The Power of Exercise and Good Health

Secret II Visualize your career
Module 1. What’s the really cool thing/s you want to to do to help other people?
Module 2. Review of resume/ Online marketing profile
Module 3. If you can teach English you travel the world.
Module 4. Practice your career
Module 5. Learn to sell what you want to do or know and you will become an expert

Secret III. Plan Your Career and Meet New People
Module 1. You don’t have to worry anymore about not being prepared
Module 2. Plan your career like a project
Module 3. The power of mind mapping
Module 4. Execute your plan
Module 5. Networking that works

Secret IV. Manage and Grow your career
Module 1. AI in recruiting today
Module 2. AI tools for the entrepreneur
Module 3. Giving to your network
Module 4. Networking your career goals
Module 5. Presenting your best self

Secret V. Enjoy your career and help others
Module 1. Defining Mastery
Module 2. Pay it back is also Pay it forward
Module 3. Find a fortune by helping others
Module 4. Document your legacy
Module 5. How to prevent having regrets

5 Career Hacking Secrets Gave Me Opportunities

I lead teams to the accomplishment of new technical projects in Japan and the United States. I served in the US Army, Developed Business in Japan and Managed Operations for the US Federal Government.

Furthermore, in Japan, I created high-value IT business opportunities with the Japan Air Self Defense Force and multinational businesses operating in Japan and Asia. The organizations I serviced include NTT Communications, Micron Electronics, DataCraft Japan, and Kawamura International Communications.

There’s nobody better than me at recruiting and coaching people for the career they want.
I lead teams that impact business operations
US Federal Government – Admin Master with many jobs
Trainers for Japan Air Self Defense Force
Microsoft and Cisco Engineers in Japan
Soldiers of the 21st USAFAD, Corlu, Turkey

I recruit and train staff of all levels in the Federal Government
Top Sales in Japan
Top Technical Recruiter in Japan and the United States
NTT Communications, Japan/Singapore – Global communications networks
Datacraft Asia, Japan/Singapore – IT System Integration, training and staffing services
Micron Electronics, Japan – PC and Server sales and marketing
Japan Air Self Defence Force, Japan – Communications training programs
United States Army – Various Domestic and International postings 1989 – 1992
Online experience with TonyTeolis.com – ToDoListHome.com

I Promise the Tony Teolis method of achievement will give you time-tested techniques and tools combined with today’s tech to create life-altering career opportunities.
It’s worked for me and others and it will work for you! I guarantee it.

What makes 5 Career Hacking Secrets For College Students Without A Plan

Above all, others talk of career hacking secrets but my 30 Years of Experience combined with technology will help you achieve your Career goals.
Smart use of the technology that allows for preferred future identification, planning and setting a course.

I have over 30 years of experience making good things happen.
I want to help you make good things happen.

What is covered?

Feel confident that the career choices you make are the best for you
Career planning complete with tools, processes, templates and your vision
Use career development as a tool for helping you make better choices
Career development goals and a career development plan that you can use
No more guessing because you work through the logical and creative steps to changing careers
This is a partnership with my experience and technology to give you greater results in less time

Do you want to learn more about 5 Career Hacking Secrets For College Students Without A Plan?

Enroll now for tony teolis

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